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[Version 3.141]


Welcome to my Web Portfolio!

Use the terminal on the left to navigate between pages. Type 'help' for a list of commands. You'll figure it out ☺

Don't forget to visit my Project Page
This site is best viewed on a 3440x1440 screen.
(C) 2024 Jamaro Mooibroek.Source

Thanks to:Jimmy Campbell "Gameboy Font",vidhanchalke10 "Gameboy model",Dekogon Studios "Apartment Room model"

About Me

My name is Jamaro Mooibroek. I am years old. I've got a lot of hobby's, including but not limited to: repearing electronics, programming, making music, and reading books. I'm also a passionate programmer who loves efficient code. This website is a love poem to compression, as it's under 100kb (that's about 40 times smaller than a screenshot of this website). I'm always open for a chat. If you are too, head over to 'contact'.

My Music

It all started when I got my first piano keyboard when I was 10. Now I also play guitar, ukelele and the kalimba. Occasionally I record my music and put it on my Soundcloud, which you can find here:soundcloud.com/jampottie
Welcome to my Web Portfolio!

Use the D-pad and A-button to navigate between pages.

Don't forget to visit my Project Page
My name is Jamaro Mooibroek. I'm a passionate programmer who loves efficient and tiny code. This website is a love poem to compression, as it's under 100kb. I'm always open for a chat. If you are too, head over to 'contact'.
It all started when I got my first piano keyboard when I was 10. Now I also play guitar, ukelele and the kalimba. Occasionally I record my music and put it on my Soundcloud, which you can find here:soundcloud.com/jampottie
